Sales & Service University™

Comprehensive online sales training to rapidly expand the accessibility and impact of a customized training program through affordable, 24/7 access to all Game Face training content and tools.

More than just an online sales training resource, this industry-first sales enablement tool accelerates sales performance and customer retention in a way that was previously unachievable in the training industry. Certify your sales team, service team, sales management, and sales leadership with Game Face’s industry-acclaimed Certification courses.

Subscription access to game-changing, online sales training content and tools via Game Face’s Sales and Service University™, or access your own customized version of the Sales & Service University™, complete with your branding and added content.

Each sales subscription (Basic Sales, Advanced, Full Access) includes pre-assessments and post-assessments of your customer-facing teams using the proprietary Game Face Sales Skills Assessment™.  Subscribers receive ongoing implementation support to configure and implement your organization’s sales & service training program, fully leveraging all of Game Face’s content and tools.

“Employers should value SKILLS above degrees and recognize that workers can develop SKILLS in many different ways… A SKILLS-based approach to employment is critical… Employers should…strive to teach employees new SKILLS after they join.” (Wall Street Journal, 2024)

Ted Decker
CEO, The Home Depot

John Furner
CEO, Walmart U.S.     


Sales & Service University™ is an unprecedented and comprehensive combination of content and tools needed to build and sustain a high-performing sales and service team. This first-of-its-kind, 360-degree resource rapidly deploys unlimited and adaptable sales & service training for today’s ever-changing sales and service teams.


Basic Customer Service

Best-in-class training for a Customer Service team, a Technical Support team, or an inbound Call Center.

Basic Sales

Critical for young sales teams. Helps to prevent bad habits from forming while establishing a proven sales system on which their career can be built.


Ideal combination of sales & service training for any team members that fulfill both the sales and customer success or account management role.

Full Access

The most comprehensive set of training tools ever devised for sales and service teams. A perfect complement to ensure alignment and consistency between functions.


“First Day” Sales Training: Must-Do’s Before Making Your First Sales Call

For those just hired or absent for live training sessions, this course provides an invaluable walk-through for calls that must be made today. It serves as provisional training until the learner is able to engage with Sales Courses #1, #2, and #3.

Course #1: What is Sales?

Before we can master this critical function of any organization, we have to honestly ask, “What is Sales?” This course will once and for all change every person’s view of sales as they come to understand and appreciate its positive role in the success of any career, business, economy, or society.

Course #2: Certification of Expertise in Sales Principles

Sales techniques that lack principle are just tricks. This in-depth Certification course teaches the learner a refreshing yet timeless approach to customer and interpersonal relationships based on key principles which form the foundation of the Sales Game Changer System™. Upon successful completion of this course each sales professional will receive a certificate validating their expertise in sales principles.

Course #3: Certification of Expert Sales Skills

The most extensive of all our Certification courses, here the learner will begin mastering 7 core skills that guarantee sustainable sales success. These essential and transformative skills cover the sales cycle from prospecting to “closing” to earning repeat business. Upon successful completion of this course each sales professional will receive a certificate validating their sales skills expertise.

“First Day” Service Training: Must-Do’s Before Making Your First Service Call

For those just hired or who missed live training sessions, this course provides an invaluable walk-through for customer service interactions that must be made today. It acts as a provisional training until the learner is able to engage with Sales Courses #1, #2, and #3.

Course #1: What is Service?

Without customers there is no customer service. So if service professionals understand their complementary role with the sales function, they can more skillfully facilitate the “second sale”. Here we lay out the critical contributions of service in any organization.

Course #2: Certification of Expertise in Customer Service Skills

Your product or service may be top shelf. But the #1 reason customers don’t return is because they perceive being mistreated. How to reasonably and consistently exceed customer expectations is the focus of this course. Upon successful completion of this course each service professional will receive a certificate validating their expertise in customer service skills.

Course #3: Certification of Expert Customer Care

With Game Face’s powerful and acclaimed LEAAD Rule for Service™, reps will enjoy Turning Complaints into Compliments™ because of the professional and decisive way they solved the problem. Upon successful completion of this course each service professional will receive a certificate validating their expertise in customer care.


Reminder reels that highlight key sales points to lift confidence before every step in the sales process


You might only have one chance to approach that would-be client. So before placing that call, sending that email or instant message, get prepped by reviewing Prospecting.


Don’t waste their time with irrelevant and trivial questions. Display your emotional and business intelligence with smart Assessing.


“Pitching” is boilerplate presenting. No one wants that! Professionally deliver your best solution by reviewing what to prepare, then knowing how to say it in Presenting.


Before sending a fancy deck or slick document, make sure you know what to include and the Proposal messaging that inspires a yes.


If you’re expecting any kind of objection, Concerns distinguishes you with the approach and responses buyers welcome.


You’ve worked so hard to get your prospect this far, and now it’s time to Follow-Up. Or is it? Don’t throw it all away with cheesy follow-up techniques that sell you short.

Opening (Closing)

Are you “asking for the sale”, or facilitating results? Opening gives you the straightforward when, what, and how of getting the order.


Whether talking to a long-term, new, or future customer, the how-to’s of Referrals empower you to obtain new leads naturally and easily.


The sale may have been won, but it’s not done. Review Postsale before moving on to your next call.


The deadline or Renewal date is approaching. Have you done all that’s necessary to ensure the “second sale”?


Supplemental modules as new challenges and opportunities arise

1. How to Surpass Your Sales Quota

You and your manager want you to hit numbers well beyond the goal. This module uncovers practical and immediately actionable steps to aid you in blowing past expectations.

2. Becoming the Most Professional Virtual Seller

Another scheduled Zoom call? Yawn! Explore our innovative yet intuitive techniques to turn commonplace virtual calls into fresh and compelling prospect/customer interactions.

3. How to Build Genuine Rapport with Prospects

To sell doesn’t mean to charm. Leave that to stereotypical salespeople. This module explains how to achieve genuine engagement that produces authentic and long-term seller/buyer relationships.

4. How to Use Social Media More Authentically to Engage Prospects

People can say anything on social media. Find out how to genuinely capture others’ attention, foster interest, and stand out on today’s social platforms.

5. Emails that Get Others to Respond

While your competitors struggle to get their emails read—let alone answered—use our tried and tested ideas to grab the attention of prospects/customers to begin real dialogue.

6. Turning Cold Calls into Warm Calls in 30 Seconds

If first impressions are last impressions, the first half-minute can be the difference between a six-figure sale and a hang-up. Our renowned Castle Approach™ takes prospects from cynical to curious instantly.

7. How to Naturally Upsell and Cross-Sell Current Customers

Raise your value to your employer and your worth to a customer by becoming an expert in upsell and cross-sell opportunities.

8. How to Communicate What Sets Our Product/Service Apart

Differentiation is what drives customers to your company and why they return again and again. Learn how to message your uniqueness clearly and consistently.

9. Follow-Up Calls that Help Instead of Harass

Enough with the lazy “Just calling to follow-up…” intros! Here are the definitive ways to make follow-up calls useful, valuable, and interesting to you and your client—while progressing towards the sale.

10. Ways to NOT Get Your Calls Returned

Stop leaving voicemail messages that bore, irritate, or waste their time. You don’t have to be obnoxious, but you can be intriguing. This module shows you how.

11. Working with Gatekeepers to Get in Front of Their Decision-Maker

Friend or foe? That’s your question about every gatekeeper as they wonder the same about you! Proven ways to get them behind you so you can get in front of their boss.

12. Leveraging Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Few customers care what you think of your product. They want to know what others say about it. Learn simple ways to maximize the best endorsements of your biggest fans.

13. How to Fix the “Not Now” Objection

They have interest in buying, just not now. No problem. This module teaches how to nurture their interest until the day it matures into a grown-up yes.

14. How to Fix the “Your Price is Too High” Objection

Learn how to address the most impulsive objection with some of the most thoughtful and strategic responses.

15. How to Fix the “Your Product/Service Isn’t Right For Us” Objection

You clearly see the fit, but it’s still hazy to them. Learn how to make a compelling case void of argument or criticism.

16. Salvaging a Sale Through Skillful Down-Selling

You could hold your ground and lose the sale, or pivot and retain a portion of it for bigger returns down the road. Techniques to maintain your integrity while retaining the relationship.

17. Helping Your Prospect Obtain Internal Decision-Maker Approval

Your prospect loves your solution, but their higher-up won’t budge. Effective steps to ensure forward progress and the addition of more allies.

18. Signs that You’ve Built Enough Trust to Advance the Sale

The differences between disbelief, cynicism, and trust – and how to persuasively sell in any case.

19. How to Communicate a Price Increase with Confidence

Price changes are as common as product improvements. Here’s how to message the updates using reason to elicit client understanding and acceptance.

X1. Targeting New Markets to Expand Your Business

While stationary salespeople get rolled over, top salespeople venture into new territories to strengthen their business. Smart and savvy ways to explore new markets without fear.

X2. Being Proactive in Obtaining More Business From Passive Clients

Your client seems content, but you want them to be thrilled. This module shows seasoned salespeople ways to approach sleeping clients with honey instead of a stick so they’ll come back for more.

X3. How to Retain a Vulnerable Account Before They Walk

Well-trained executives should never be caught off guard when hearing that a client is fading. We show how expert sales & service people keep their finger on the pulse and know how to resuscitate a dying client.

X4. How to Win Back Lost Customers

When customers’ needs and objectives change, sometimes they select new providers. But this Expert Level module shows how to win them back so they wonder why they ever left.

Course #1: Certification of Expert Sales Management

How to smoothly transition from successful individual contributor to strong sales manager. Learn the secrets that have helped extraordinary sales managers turn people into top producers, and why high-achievers want to work for them. Here you’ll develop managerial skills that propel your team to the next level. Upon successful completion of this course each sales manager will receive a certificate validating their expertise in sales management.

Course #2: Certification of Expert Sales Leadership

The world’s top curated leadership principles and ideas for any executive overseeing customer acquisition & retention and revenue generation for a diverse organization. Specific to sales and service teams, this course provides guidance on how to reinforce the Sales Game Changer System™ at all levels to drive ownership and accountability, culture and performance. Upon successful completion of this course each sales leader will receive a certificate validating their expertise in sales leadership.

“Game Face training was the best training my team has ever participated in. Since the training, our scripts, call guides and discovery questions have improved dramatically, and we are seeing better results from our interactions with prospects and clients. I really appreciated the course design and quality of the delivery—it is not your typical sales training!“

-Lee McNeil Former Senior Manager, Business Development, Crucial Learning


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